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Monday, March 31, 2014

On the "Run" with Daniel, Lucas and Raia

He came, he ran... he won! In my book/blog anyway
Runners with a cause - and cool T-shirts! Go Team Shalva!
Abba - making it look easy!
YAY! Abba crossed the finish line as did Zia Em, Renee, Jes, Alisha and Mati and thousands of other runners. But mommy and Rob were the winners of the whole 2014 Jerusalem Marathon day: They managed to keep Lucas, Raia and myself alive and from completely melting down for about an hour while waiting for abba's Jerusalem 10k debut at the finish line.

Now this was more than a week ago and yet it hasn't made the blog yet. That is because, as you know, we babies have a way of driving a wedge between our parents and their computers and that was the case for over a week as I prevented mommy from posting my blogs.

So it is catch-up time now. I will allow space for abba to describe his experience and express his appreciation for those who supported his run for Shalva, my school:
Hi there,

I wanted to thank you again for your support in my 10k run for Shalva. I had a great time running this race and will plan on running the Half marathon next year.

I was very blessed to be running for team Shalva but your support was not only a blessing to me but more for the children of Shalva.

Shalva is a growing organization and are in need of your financial support to continue the great work they are doing.

If you want to know more about Shalva and donate please click on the following link:

Sincerely yours,
Tony Jansezian
On March 21, abba and our other friends tackled the hills, the heat and the hoards of runners during the race. But the true marathon was the one headed up by mommy with Rob coming to her rescue: somehow getting three kids - babies in strollers basically - to the finish line. Babies who, if they walk, demand to go their own way or flop to the ground in protest. Babies who are on the edge of a meltdown if their needs or desires aren't instantly met. And babies who apply the Law of Babies to all situations in which they find themselves.

Jes and abba - dubious about the run or
about babies arriving at the finish line?

And herein lies the true story. It all began when we were ushered into a hotel room the night before the race. What new discoveries awaited us! An entirely new room for our search and destroy missions! Bureaus upon which to climb. A TV and all sorts of outlets at our perfect height. And better yet, Lucas and I were to share a sofa bed which meant we could come and go without encountering those pesky child barriers that interfere with - but certainly do not prevent - our escapes from our normal beds.

Do not be deceived: This serene scene was short lived

That night, the eve before his big race, abba slept one solid hour. The rest of the night hours were interrupted by cries, whimpers, massive and invasive dumps and the inevitable rising of babies before the sun. And this all occurred in one small room where there was escape from neither sound nor smell. And then, when he arose, just as refreshed and full of energy as we were I'm sure, abba and mommy whisked us off to breakfast where they watched us annihilate the buffet all the while trying to prevent plates and glasses from flying or silverware, such as knives, to be mishandled. Never mind the humus embedded in our clothing and Lucas' swiping of abba's pineapples and almonds when he wasn't looking.

Then our parents escorted us the 20 minutes all the way to the starting line where we watched the endless stream of runners take off and Lucas nearly snuck into the start area with the Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat.

Zia Em, abba and Renee look chipper - before the race

We high-fived Alisha as she embarked upon her 10-ishK
And Rob swooped in to the rescue
Lucas waited for a golden moment to break through the bars
and start running. He actually had his chance when Mayor
Barkat cut through these very gates to start his run. 

Starting line shenanigans including high giving Alisha as she embarked upon her journey:

After this nerve-wracking couple of hours abba was supposed to run the race of his life and mommy was supposed to, essentially, herd cats/babies along with Rob who helped the herding process. It took about 30 minutes to get to the finish line which should only be 10 minutes away. We made it with time to spare to see abba gracefully swoop into the finish line.

In the end, everyone was a winner, just some people were more weary than others, basically anyone older than 4 years.

Scott, Jireh, Kat and abba - all medalists

Scott became one of my biggest fans and blogmates 

Scott and I
Mati and abba for Team Shalva
The crew
Lucas stopped running his own marathon around
Sacher Park in order to get into the action as well
And then those weary adults shuttled us to the Shalva victory lunch where we ran about 42.2 kilometers around the tables in the auditorium as we wavered between hunger and indefatigable exhaustion. We ultimately found ourselves in a wreath of balloons that we dragged across the hotel and ended up somehow in the bathroom.

And in video where you can really appreciate the depths of us having lost control:

Where was Raia in all of this? Quiet and well behaved in her stroller making Lucas and I look very naughty and needy. Hmph!

So quiet was Raia that no photos of her were taken
until she got home
Not that she minded!
After all that non-running running around, Mommy has a new idea for next year: not just Run for Team Shalva, but BABYSIT for Team Shalva! She contends that running a marathon would be easier than herding the three of us to another finish line.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Partying for Purim

Just in case anyone missed this newsflash of cuteness:

Eat your hearts out, Larry and Bob! Well, not literally. Just because you are vegetables certainly does not mean you should be eaten.

Raia dressed up as a tigress. And lucky for us since as a carnivore she wasn't interested in eating the Larry and Bob salad.

Lucas' catwalk at school
Me at school

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Proof! Video Evidence of our Room Dismantling

Proof captured on video that we do dismantle our room every single day. In case you didn't believe us.

In this instance we removed crucial screws from my bed, screws which were apparently loosened from repeatedly moving the bed across the room or simply picking up and then dropping it to the floor.

But at least we "fix" it too.

Raia does not yet destroy her room in the morning.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Outwitting with Wit

Innocent and Outwitting. At the same time.
Always one step ahead. That is the baby motto.

Just when an adult thinks he or she has the upper hand, a baby will point out how dangerously false that sentiment is.

For example, you've read about how we dismantled our room each morning when we arose well before the sun. Before 5 a.m. Lucas and I skillfully and craftily emptied bins of toys, shoes, books, stuffed animals onto the carpet. Then we would set about looking for drawers we could empty - out came socks, diapers, creams and other tempting items. Then, bored, we set about prying open closet doors after unknotting the towels locking them shut so we could empty the treasure troves of clothing, blankets, medicine and even a full-sized ironing board! In our wake were nail clippers, a syringe, nose aspirators and a broken glass thermometer. We are unsure where the mercury went. All of these items had been "safely" stowed supposedly out of reach of grubby toddler hands. The garbage pail, coat rack and laundry basket had long been banished from our room.

That action was interspersed with our clicking of the balcony light on and off: Tick, tock. Tick, tock. A nice compact sound and the only light shining in the dormant neighborhood at 4:45 am.

Raia: These boots were made for the innocent
Just look at his eyes - the essence of innocence. Right.
And even more innocence. And no mess.
On Saturday, the Sabbath, the Day of UN-rest as I like to call it, we set about to repeat our morning routine during our "nap." That didn't go over well as mommy and abba were looking forward to a small reprieve. Mommy stormed into our room as we were well into our rampage. And to our disbelief, she proceeded to remove every single toy and every piece of furniture from the room except for the dresser and our beds. Abba emptied the only dresser drawers that are not child proofed and double knotted the towels locking the closet doors shut. Now mommy cannot even find our diapers and socks and the room is so empty it now echoes.

Mommy and abba calculated that, if the stimulation of toy bins and extra furniture was tempting us to rise early and deconstruct our room, then removing said stimulation would bore us back to sleep until a civilized hour.

And it worked. The next morning, the only thing I had to do was climb into Lucas' bed and sit beside his sleeping frame giving a loud, rallying speech until he also woke up. But by 6:30 we were both asleep on the floor in the pile of blankets and pillows we had launched from our beds. With nothing left to conquer, boredom lulled us to sleep.

But not for long.

Lucas and I slept on it, as good babies do, and, refreshed, we came up with new and innovative ideas for the following morning: We moved my bed across the room and climbed onto the dresser from there! And perched like two little birds we opened and slammed the window shut - from 5 to 6:30 a.m. For all the neighborhood to hear.

Mommy and abba are most certainly experiencing frustration. But in the midst of that, I am positive there swells a great deal of amazement and respect as well in their hearts at our ingenuity.

Little geniuses. Always one step ahead of their parents, aren't we?