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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

All I Got for Christmas ...

Though you can't tell from any photographic evidence, Lucas' bottom
pair of teeth was joined by a top pair on Christmas day!

But he kept tight-lipped about the whole situation

Well, it wasn't all he got but Lucas' two front (top) teeth made their ironic and well-timed appearance on Christmas day! No wonder he was being such a Grinch!

Ha, no I'm just kidding, like a good big brother should. He was actually in a pretty good mood for a person experiencing sharp enamel piercing through his tender skin. How could he not be in a good mood? It was Christmas after all! And despite the last-minute rush to get a meal on the table and the gift-giving of pink eye (mommy was the recipient of my present), we had a fantastic time. Dede and Nene (Grandpa and Grandma) came over for a nice dinner and a fun time was had by all.

And, hark! We also graced mommy and abba with a Christmas gift that rivaled the original miracle of the day: We slept through the night from Christmas Eve till Christmas morning! Then after a 6:30 a.m. break in the sleep marathon for a bottle, we returned to sleep for more than three hours!

The second miracle of the day involved what mommy and abba were able to accomplish while we took a two-hour nap: They cooked up an amazing meal involving all sorts of historic family recipes such as caponata (from Nanni's archives) and patate ripiene (from Grandma Schiavi's archives). And I ate an entire slice of steak to boot!

So now we'll see what the Greek and Armenian Christmases hold in store, although mommy and abba aren't planning a repeat performance - unless perhaps we repeat our sleep performance!

Who needed a meal? We had tons of
wrapping paper to feast on.

And we had toys to (not) share!

And really (not) share

And share we did

Me as the Little Drummer Boy

Trying to get one decent family shot

Trying again... 

Me teaching Dede about Veggie Tales

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