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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The War on Sleep (continued) and Holiday Photos (completely unrelated!)

Uncle Matt reacquaints himself with Yours Truly while
Lucas gets friendly with GongGong's thumb.

The sad truth is that I have been violently dethroned from my position as the Great Warrior Against Sleep. Lucas reigns supreme. He is so adept at waging war vs sleep in fact that mommy thinks there is a conspiracy afoot to slay her through tedious sleep deprivation tactics.

Yes, Lucas not only fights valiantly in the car seat and stroller, but now he also wars during the night watches. He seems to be getting into the spirit of New York, the city that never sleeps.

But honestly, it doesn't affect him. He still gets his catnaps or whatever he requires to recharge at various intervals during the day. Meanwhile mommy wonders if the need for sleep will ever, in Lucas' life, outweigh his need to eat. At some point, she reasons, Lucas should be more tired than he is hungry and shouldn't have to wake up every couple of hours. But Lucas thinks otherwise and threatens to wake up the entire household if he isn't supplied with midnight lattes.

Or perhaps he is just practicing for being back in Israel and switching his day and night hours over already.

As for me, I am sleeping like a champ now, having made peace with my former nemesis. Although mommy and abba seem to be in disagreement with me over the proper time to wake up. Every day I arise a little bit earlier than the last in order to welcome the sunrise, while my parents insist we do not rise until the sun is firmly ensconced in the sky. Usually someone rudely shuts the shades to try to trick me as to the time, but my internal clock keeps me on track and then I threaten to wake up the entire household.

But let us move on to happier times as I play catch up with my blogs. Last week we had a convergence of holidays and family time, which was great fun. It was Passover and Easter at the same time so we read the story from Exodus and then ate Easter bread all at the same time! What a way to combine the celebrations.

And because we were in New York - unexpectedly I might add (remember the hospital stay during March?) - for the holidays we got to see extra family. First of all, Uncle Matt and Aunt Majda made the seven-hour drive from Virginia to see me and Lucas.

The boys with Nanni. Lucas plays it smart and is always
on his best behavior in front of Nanni.
My cousin, Leah, almost 3 now, came to celebrate Easter with the family. As you can see, I was enthralled by her. Hopefully she was impressed with my Little Man outfit from Borgo Taro in Italy. Mimi bought this outfit for me 10 years ago with hoper and faith that one day I would materialize to don this Italian version of Little Lord Fauntleroy.

Hi Leah, its me Daniel

Leah taught me how to color in a book 

I hope I was a good student! 

With my new eating habits, the adults try to
feed me anywhere I am at the moment, on the go

The great peace treaty: Giants vs. Jets

Who is scaring who?

Random catnap to recharge for the night watch

Babysitting success by Uncle Richie.
He has come a long way (see link).

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